three and my favourite! Walk up the stairs to '2/F District Crime
HQ'.... or other's may call it HK's most wonderful toy museum! Kk is
devoted and proud to be 'Made in Hong Kong'. His gigantic vintage toy
collection, which were all Hong Kong manufactured, expresses his
great passion to preserve this bit of history of HK. KK specializes
in collecting plastic goods, a very iconic material of 1960's-80s HK.
He also collected toys in original packaging. He was so kind to talk
me through each piece in detail, from the subtle changes in each
packaging, to the date of which he found that particular piece. I
was a little girl in awe and excitement walking up the stairs to
rooms filled with toys. I spent a good hour exploring and playing
with some of his collection. My photos really don't reflect the
impact of his collection...but here are a few snapshots of my
experience... i'm leaving room for your imagination!